"Doggos & Dragons" is an adventure set within the Dragon Trappers Lodge universe, designed for levels 8 through 10, blending the charm of Dungeons & Dragons with the endearing world of dogs. The peaceful village of Millfield is in turmoil, with its canine inhabitants turning into monstrous versions of themselves due to a mysterious corruption. The key to solving this crisis lies with the Luck Dragon, a guardian whose well-being is intrinsically linked to the fortune of Millfield and its dog population.
As adventurers embark on this journey, they're tasked with uncovering the source of the corruption that has befallen the village's dogs, leading them through investigations in the village, confrontations in the forest, and deep explorations into an underworld cave system. The narrative builds towards a climactic encounter with the Cerberus, hinting at the opening of the underworld's gates as the root cause of the calamity.
The adventure weaves together combat, investigation, and moral dilemmas, challenging players to use their skills wisely to restore peace to Millfield. The Luck Dragon, central to the village's fate, offers a deeper connection to the mystical elements of the world, embodying themes of guardianship, corruption, and redemption. Through battling corrupted hounds, aiding the Cerberus, and deciding the Luck Dragon's fate, players are immersed in a tale that tests their heroism, compassion, and resolve.